
How to prepare for the Nigerian Navy Batch 37/38 in 2024/2025

When is the Batch 37 form coming out

Hello and welcome to Richentblog, where we provide all updates regarding the Nigerian Navy recruitment. I joined a lot of groups of applicants and saw them asking when they should expect the form to be out, when the Nigerian Navy Batch 37 and 38 form was coming out, and how to prepare for the Nigerian Navy Batch 37 and 38 recruitment in 2024.

In this article, as a Nigerian Navy personnel, I have explained when to expect the recruitment to be on, how much the form will cost, how to get prepared, what you will encounter, and everything you need to know about joining the Nigerian Navy batches 37 and 38. Kindly read on and please share this article across Facebook, Telegram, and WhatsApp groups, as I will be your guide to this recruitment.


When is the Nigerian Navy Batch 37/38 Form coming out?

This is a popular question I receive from most of my friends. As personnel, we really don’t get to know when it’s coming out unless it’s out or there’s news from the Navy prior to the release date. I will teach you how we get to know and expect the form, and this way you don’t miss out on it, and you also get yourself very prepared for that time.

How do I know when the next Nigerian Navy Batch 37 form will be out?

In the Navy, recruitment usually consists of two (2) batches, batch A and batch B. This actually means that if they release the form for Batch 37, the successful ones who took the form will be split into two (2) batches, Batch 37 and Batch 38.

Now let me tell you how the recruitment process works. If the form is out, let’s use the last form, for example, which was released in January all through February 8th before closing. The applicants who took the form have done the aptitude test on February 17, 2024, and have been shortlisted. In case you don’t know what the aptitude test is, this is an exam conducted consisting of mathematics, English, and general papers. Those who successfully pass this test will be shortlisted to come for the interview thereafter.

The current interview for batch 36 is currently going on as of the time of writing this article on April 20, 2024. According to the Navy official website, they stated:

“The candidates whose names appear on http://www.joinnigeriannavy.com/ were successful at the Nigerian Navy Basic Training School (NNBTS) Batch 36 Recruitment Examination held on 17 February 2024. The shortlisted candidates are hereby invited to attend an interview to hold concurrently in 2 batches from 30 March to 8 April and 10 – 20 April 2024 for batches A and B respectively.”

The batches mentioned in the preceding quotation from the Navy are not the ones I am referring to; this batch is only for the interview, and it is used to organise the entire exercise to avoid too many people and crowds.

When will the interview for Nigerian Navy Batch 36 end?

This interview will end on April 20, 2024, after which the candidates are to wait to be shortlisted. Now pay close attention and read carefully. After they are shortlisted, a list of successful candidates will be released, splitting them into two (2) batches.

This 2 batches will proceed for training one after the other, meaning first batch (batch 36) will proceed for a 6-month training course and then next batch (batch 37) will proceed for another 6-month training course. So all this must be done before the Navy recruits another set of individuals for training.

When is the Nigerian Navy Batch 37 form coming out?

Now, according to how Navy recruits most often, they have recruited batch 36 and 37 together. If you read carefully, you will see how I explained above how they recruit two (2) sets at once. So if the shortlisted list of successful candidates comes out around the end of April, the first batch will proceed with 6 months of training.

They will pass out from training around October, which is 6th month from the time they started training. Then the next batch of 37 from the shortlisted list of successful candidates will proceed with six months of training too.

When is the Batch 38 form coming out?

Please, if you didn’t read my previous paragraphs in this blog post, please do. Don’t skip because there is a lot of information in this article. If batch 37 proceeds with training immediately after batch 36 passes out in October, the Navy will start making efforts to start recruitment exercises again to prepare the next batch for training after batch 37 passes out.

After first or second months of training around November or December 2024, Navy will start recruiting again, this time for Batch 38, not 37. This is because batch 37 is combined with batch 36.

Why is the Navy recruiting two (2) batches at once?

Their training facility and resources for training. The Navy is well-trained, and they don’t train too many people at once. As a result, they concentrate their efforts on a small group of people and provide them with the necessary training. There are also limited training opportunities for the remaining individuals who have been divided into the following batch. Other reasons are best known to the Navy.



The Batch 38 application form will be released around November/December of 2024, when the second batch (37) is in training. Please note, this form is totally free. It’s not being sold, so don’t fall to scammers who claim they sell forms. The form can be gotten anywhere there is internet, a computer, a printer, and a scanner.

The registration is done online, and you then print out your application as a form. The only reason you need to go to a cyber cafe is because you need a printer to print and a scanner to scan your documents. This will cost around N2,000, depending on the cyber cafe. I recommend going to a cyber cafe that has been helping people complete their registration/ application, as he will guide you from making mistakes others do.

I will be your guide if you are lost or are new to this whole recruitment, Please bookmark this page and drop your number or email in the comment section. Also,  share this post to other social platforms to help others apply successfully. In my next article, I will completely share all the steps to filling out the form and applying online—things to get prepared for before the next Batch 38 form is out. So please check my other articles here for a list of Nigerian Navy recruitment-related articles.


Ademuyiwa Richard Seun (Donrichy16) is a content writer, influencer, blogger, web developer and a programmer who has found passion for writing and meeting the needs of readers, and delivering fresh and updated contents around the globe. He is a skilled and pro SEO writer dedicated to creating articles that are intriguing

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